Prospectus Executive Search

Role description

Chair of Sickle Cell Society (SCS)

Location: Meetings are hybrid, virtual or at the London office (once a quarter).

Remuneration: The Chair role is a voluntary commitment not accompanied by any financial remuneration. Reasonable expenses such as travel or childcare may be claimed.

Reporting to: Board of Trustees.

Time Commitment: Approximately 2 days per month. 10 Board meetings per year from 5.30pm – 7.30pm, last Monday of the month. Additionally, the Chair is also expected to take part in 1-2 board away days per annum as well as having regular meetings with the Chief Executive, appraising Trustees, and also representing the SCS at various events (eg. fundraising, awareness raising, policy) with key supporters, allies and other stakeholders.

Role purpose

The Chair will work closely with the Trustees and the Chief Executive/Management team to lead the strategic development of the SCS. Significant progress has been made by the SCS and it is critical that the Chair builds upon this for future success, continuing the exciting development journey of the charity. The Chair will also lead effective governance and ensure trustees are accountable individually and collectively for the performance of the board and the success of the organisation, supporting to embed newer Trustees. They will act as an ambassador of the charity in partnership with the Chief Executive.

Key responsibilities

Strategic leadership

  • Provide leadership to the charity and its Board of Trustees, ensuring that the charity has maximum impact for its beneficiaries

  • Ensure that trustees fulfil their duties and responsibilities for the effective governance of the charity

  • Ensure that the Board operates within its charitable objectives and provides a clear strategic direction for the charity

  • Ensure that the Board is able to regularly review major risks and associated opportunities, and satisfy itself that systems are in place to take advantage of opportunities and manage and mitigate the risks

  • Ensure that the Board fulfils its duties to ensure sound financial health of the charity, with systems in place to ensure financial accountability

  • Ensure continuous professional development of the Board to support the competencies needed for Trustees to fulfil their duties accountably


  • Ensure that the governance arrangements are working in the most effective way for the charity

  • Develop the knowledge and capability of the Board of Trustees

  • Encourage positive change where appropriate and address and resolve any conflicts within the Board

  • Appraise the performance of the Trustees and the Board on an annual basis

  • Ensure that the Board of Trustees is regularly refreshed and incorporates the right balance of skills, knowledge and experience needed to govern and lead the charity effectively and which also reflects the wider population

  • Work within any agreed policies adopted by the charity

External relations 

  • Act as an ambassador for the sickle cell cause and the charity 

  • Maintain close relationships with key members of the government, parliament, and other stakeholders and key influencers

  • Maintain good relationships with patient organisations, NHS organisations, other stakeholders such as NHS Blood and Transplant (NHS BT), National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Industry partners   

  • Act as one of the spokespersons for the organisation, when appropriate

  • Represent the charity at external functions, meetings and events

Efficiency and effectiveness

  • Chair meetings of the Board of Trustees effectively and efficiently, bringing impartiality and objectivity to the decision-making process

  • Ensure that trustees are fully engaged and that decisions are taken in the best, long-term interests of the charity and that the Board takes collective ownership 

  • Foster, maintain and ensure that constructive relationships exist with and between the Trustees and between Trustees and staff

  • Work closely with the Chief Executive to give direction to Board policy-making and to ensure that meetings are well planned, meaningful and reflect the responsibilities of Trustees

  • Monitor the implementation of decisions taken at meetings

Relationship with the Chief Executive and the wider management team

  • Establish and build a strong, effective and a constructive working relationship with the Chief Executive, ensuring he is held to account for achieving agreed strategic objectives

  • Support the Chief Executive, whilst respecting the boundaries which exist between the two roles

  • Ensure regular contact with the Chief Executive and develop and maintain an open and supportive relationship within which each can speak openly about concerns and challenges

  • Liaise with the Chief Executive to maintain an overview of the charity’s affairs, providing support as necessary

  • Conduct an annual appraisal and remuneration review for the Chief Executive in consultation with other Trustees

  • Ensure that the Chief Executive has the opportunity for professional development and has appropriate external professional support

Additional information

The Vice-Chair acts for the Chair when the Chair is not available and undertakes assignments at the request of the Chair.

The above list is indicative only and not exhaustive. The Chair will be expected to perform all such additional duties as are reasonably commensurate with the role.

Person specification

Personal attributes

  • Demonstrate clear passion and commitment to the SCS, its strategic objectives and cause

  • Proven ability to lead a significant national organisation 

  • Exhibit strong interpersonal and relationship building abilities and be comfortable in an ambassadorial role

  • Demonstrate tact and diplomacy, with the ability to listen and engage effectively

  • Strong networking capabilities that can be utilised for the benefit of the charity

  • Leadership skills with the ability to foster and promote a collaborative team environment 

  • Ability to commit time to conduct the role well, including travel and attending events out of office hours

  • Impartiality, fairness and the ability to respect confidences


  • Experience of operating at a senior strategic leadership level within an organisation

  • Successful track record of achievement through their career

  • Experience of charity governance and working with or as part of a Board of Trustees

  • Experience of external representation or previous ambassadorial role

  • Significant experience of chairing meetings and events

Knowledge and skills

  • Broad knowledge and understanding of the Civil Society sector and current issues affecting it

  • Strong leadership skills, ability to motivate staff and volunteers and bring people together

  • A commitment to understanding sickle cell, how it intersects with other chronic conditions and rare diseases, and its impact on communities and health disparities – if not known already

  • Good understanding of charity governance issues

  • A broad understanding of charity finance issues

  • Knowledge of the NHS / health care system (desirable)


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