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Our income is made up of four main streams: 

  • Donations, which can be “flow-through” or endowment 

  • Investment income and realised capital gains from our endowed funds held on the stock market and managed by our investment managers 

  • Fees for providing services such as grant programmes or managing agency funds 

  • Income from an investment property 

Flow-through donations and a portion of realised capital gains from our endowment are used to fund our grant programmes. Donors also make a contribution to our core costs. 

Finances 2022/2023

  • The net assets of Community Foundation Wales are valued at £21.8m, an increase of £0.6m on the previous year. After the sudden drop in the markets in March 2020 due to Covid-19, there was a robust recovery during the following year which stabilised somewhat throughout 2022/23.

  • New endowment money of £1.5m was received.

  • Income of £4.2m, £262k of which was designated for the Foundation’s core operational costs and was generated from promoting and managing philanthropy (44%), core grants (1%) and other earned income, including donations (55%).

  • Expenditure of £2.7m of which £2.3m was spent on over 571 grants to different organisations and individuals.

  • Charitable activity expenditure was £2.4m and represents 89% of total charitable expenditure.

  • Unrestricted end of year reserves of £351k, which is greater than target range but is likely to reduce in the coming year as less income is anticipated.

Income: £4.2m

  • 42% Donations

  • 1% Core grants

  • 44% Income from charitable activities

  • 13% Investment income

£1.8m was received from donations, £1.5m consisted of new endowment.

Income and dividends from investments was £525k. This is an increase on the previous year following the trend of further positive investment growth in 2022/23.

Charitable activity income of £1.8m is for grant-making from immediate impact restricted funds and is an increase of £0.7m on the previous year.

Expenditure £2.7m:

  • 77% Grants

  • 16% Staff related costs

  • 1% Office overheads

  • 5% Other direct costs

Expenditure of £2.7m, of which £165k was spent on developing new funds and looking after our existing fundholders, £12k was spent on securing core grant income and £78k on managing our investment portfolio to develop returns for grant-making, £62k of this was for the direct costs of the investment managers. Charitable activity expenditure was £2.4m of which £2.3m was spent directly on grants to over 571 projects.


The net assets of Community Foundation Wales as of 31 March 2023 are £21.8m. Of this, £20.4m comprises investments, which consist of an investment property valued at £500k and an investment portfolio valued at £19.9m. The value of the investments decreased by £0.5m, as a result of the turbulent economic climate over the past 12 months.