Prospectus Executive Search

Our Plans

We work to a five-year strategy, which is due to be refreshed in 2026. 

The strategy aims to change the lives of people in Wales by generating the funding needed to strengthen communities, with the following outcomes: 

  • Wales will be a better place to live, with stronger communities 

  • Wales will have more philanthropic resource 

  • Our third sector will be more effective 

Vision 2025

We are changing the lives of people in Wales by generating the funding they need to strengthen communities.

Core objective 1

We adopt and deliver a growth strategy that reaches our £30m sustainability target

Core objective 2

We deliver the funding that people in Wales need. We can clearly identify our impact.

Core objective 3

We have a successful team of staff and trustees who demonstrate our values and work to best practice.

25 years of supporting Welsh communities

This year the charity is marking its 25th year of supporting communities in Wales. 

We are using this as an opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved in helping us to distribute £40m into communities in Wales and also to raise awareness and build support for the future. 

We will be holding birthday events in Wrexham, Cardiff and London to bring our supporters together to hear stories about what we’ve achieved so far and how we can do more in the future, together. 

Building insight – and delivering change

Charities and community groups in Wales tell us that they want funders to prioritise core funding and longer-term partnerships. 

That was the strong, clear message that came out of our big conversation with the sector when the Community Foundation Wales team met and spoke with more than 100 community groups and charities across Wales. We discovered what really matters to them and how they think we could best support them. The findings were published in our Loud and Clear report and have informed changes in our grant-making with a stronger focus on longer term, core funding. 

The Board and our Governance structure 

Below is our governance structure showing the board and committees: 

Community Foundation Wales Board


Finance, Risk and Investment




Forward Planning and Development